Friday, May 15, 2020

What Were the Fears of the American People During the Cold War Era?

What Were the Fears of the American People During the Cold War Era?If you are looking for a sample essay for college admission, you must know exactly what were the fears of the American people during the cold war era. You must find out about the times during which American people were afraid that they could lose their freedom. You should know that fear and hope go hand in hand.The first thing you should know is that fear was not something bad. Fear is not a bad thing. In fact, fear has its own strength. The strength of the American people during the time of the cold war is what created the American dream.The reason why we Americans have the American dream is because of fear. It is not a bad thing to be afraid. However, when your fear goes overboard and you start to doubt what is happening around you, you might lose sight of the truth and freedom.To be a part of the American dream, you should be able to have confidence in what is happening around you. You should be able to trust what you see. After all, if you can't trust what you see, then there is no chance for you to be part of the American dream.The Cold War era scared the American people as well. During this time, we were threatened by the Soviet Union. We were afraid that we might become the slaves of a government that does not want us to be free.You should know that it is not the national security policy of a nation to go around threatening other nations. America was just too young to start the World War and we cannot afford to take that risk. Americans should know that no matter how strong our government might be, it cannot prevent the possibility of us losing freedom. You should know that without freedom, there will be no hope for the United States of America.You should know that if we continue to refuse freedom, we will be facing the horrors of civil war. You should know that the greatest fear of the American people during the Cold War era was that they might lose their freedom. You should know that it is no way to live.

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